

  • SizeMB5.52
  • Version11.08
  • Platformwindows


cFosSpeed ​​is a program that increases your productivity and reduces Ping, you can set the priority of the most common network protocols, so all the programs you use have the right priority automatically. The program allows you to reduce audio and video streaming problems, improve ping for online games and quickly preserve the Internet during heavy loading or uploading.

Features of the program

  • CFosSpeed ​​contains many advanced and smart features that ensure that your internet speed is not affected.
  • Cfosspeed.exe, speed.exe, spd.exe, RunAsDate.exe, and Loader.exe are the most common filenames for this program installer.
  • cFosSpeed ​​is a great program that can be used to speed up your internet connection, you can also monitor bandwidth usage, you can also implement traffic formation so that the download speed can be improved.
  • CFosSpeed ​​contains a new management system for all internet connections that your system will create, so if you have a connection made through DSL, Wi-Fi, LAN, mobile broadband modem or cable, this app will take the Driver seat in your management.
  • CFosSpeed ​​allows you to manage the priorities of every internet connection.
  • The program has a very well organized interface that displays a drawing that contains various connections including Mail, Fileshare / P2P, VoIP and broadcast.