Download File Drop 2025 If you ever needed to transfer files from your Android device to a computer, you know that the process was not as easy as performing the same operation from an iOS phone, as iOS has an Airdrop feature to share pictures, documents, and other things are intuitively over Wi-Fi, but it’s an iOS feature only, leaving Android and Windows users with no trick to easily perform the same process.
But luckily for you, there is a great application called FileDrop making transferring files very easy, let’s take a look at how FileDrop works and how you can transfer files between your smartphone or laptop and PC simply by simply dragging and dropping those files.
File Drop program features for computer
- Filedrop is fast to install, and the whole program installation process is very simple as it only requires you to follow the instructions on the screen.
- If you do not like the design of the user interface, this is a result of that the developers of the program focused most of their attention on the functions and tasks that the application will do more than pay attention to the appearance of the interface of the application.
- The process of transferring files from any device is a very simple procedure that you can do by dragging and dropping files in the application window, and after the receiving device accepts the incoming transfer its progress appears in percentages, and the file list allows easy navigation of all the received data.
- FileDrop also provides a great feature which is slide shows. When you click inside the FileDrop screen and choose an image icon, you can select any number of images and press Play to display them as slides, and your other device will only play that if the incoming request is accepted.
- FileDrop has the ability to transfer files to other devices such as your company’s computer or your friend’s smartphone using your device or using the FileDropMe website.
- All files sent by default are moved to the Downloads folder, and you can change this default setting by clicking the button at the bottom of the Filedrop window or clicking the folder name in the reject / accept popup dialog to change it to the file you choose.
- The whole file transfer process is fast, smooth and straightforward, so if you have a good Wi-Fi connection, the transfers will happen in a jiffy, FileDrop is definitely one of the easiest ways to transfer files from Android to PC or from PC to Android device.
How to use FileDrop to transfer files between Android devices and a computer
FileDrop is available free for Android and Windows platforms, and to transfer files between them you need to follow the following steps:
- Download and install the Android app on your phone.
- Download and install the Windows application on your computer.
- You will need to run the EXE file on the computer running Windows, and Windows Firewall may block access to the application, so be sure to click the Allow Access button when you see it.
- After running the program, you can now see the smartphone devices connected to you on the sync screen, and similarly you will see the Windows computer on your Android device.
Download FileDrop for PC
Filedrop is one of the simplest solutions for transferring files between different devices in the local network. The process is fast and a history of the downloaded data is available, allowing easy access to any of them.
Filedrop was created to facilitate the sharing of files between different devices on the same network, it aims to facilitate the transfer of different files between smartphones and computers or vice versa, you can download the program now by pressing the following download icon.