

  • SizeMB636.87
  • Platformwindows


Flux is a program that changes the colors of a computer screen according to the time of the day from hot to cold to help preserve the eye, especially for those who work at night and visually impaired.

Explanation flux program

As we mentioned earlier, the flux program is a program to control the colors of the screen, which makes you keep your eyesight from harmful rays, which are issued from computer screens at night, especially the blue rays that cause many diseases of the eye, eye redness and tension in sleep. Here comes the role of the flux program that transforms Screen colors at night to hot mode reduces the blue rumor and keeps your eyes, and there is also a feature to choose to control the brightness of the screen, that is, you can reduce the lighting next to the colors change and all of that the program automatically performs according to the schedule of time depending on your country or region.

Steps of install flux

  • The program can be downloaded from its original location and installed in a few seconds.
  • After opening the program, a window will appear for you to select the location from the map, after which we click on OK.
  • The program will then automatically calculate the time of sunrise and sunset according to the region that has been identified, and it can also be customized manually by choosing the degree of colors that you want from a list prepared in advance for you to the right of the program’s interface. You can also allocate the color tones and different brightness in the day via the indicator It appears in the middle of the interface to determine the degree of color and brightness you want at the time you want throughout the day.

Features of downloading flux to protect the eye from harmful computer rays

First: The program is completely free and enables you to use all its capabilities and set it up without any financial compensation and you will not need a Serial number or crack program like other programs. Second: The small size of the program is boring which makes downloading from the Internet easy and fast. The program space does not exceed one megabyte.

Third: Accuracy in determining the schedule for the day, as the program works to determine the schedule based on your geographical location, which allows it to determine the time of sunrise and sunset.

Fourth: The program comes loaded with more than one color and brightness setting so that you can choose from them according to your desire. So it is time for you to download eye protection software from the 2025 F.lux computer screen

Fifth: Effects and your foot put your Lord on a set of effects depending on what you do on the computer, such as “put films”, which will try to preserve the colors and shadow details while watching the video, which gives you a better viewing experience