Mendeley Desktop 2025, your academic research can be known worldwide and can be used as a reference shortly after it has been published in the scientific community.
Features of Mendeley Desktop 2025 Free Download with a direct link
- In order to use Mendeley Desktop 2025, you will need to create an account on the program’s website, otherwise, it will not be of use.
- Once registered, you can download Mendeley Desktop for your computer to upload the texts you have written to your account on the website.
- When you send a PDF with your own text, prompt that after downloading Mendeley Desktop it will automatically extract the keywords from the text.
- In addition to that, you can also import libraries: BibTex, EndNote XML, and RIS, so that there is no need to add file by file.
- In addition to being able to add texts from you, you can read and download texts from your fellow professionals.